Seek the Son

I noticed a large patch of sunflowers growing along the road a few days ago. My favorite flower. They were facing different directions, which is unusual for sunflowers. Typically they all face the sun, but there was no sun to be found. It was hidden behind clouds. Obviously the sun was still overhead, lighting the sky. It was just beyond sight, causing those poor sunflowers to search every odd angle, except down. The flowers remained upright twisting from side to side, seeking rays from above. Something about the scene resonated with my soul.

That’s been me over the past couple weeks, searching for the Son, but not seeing Him clearly.  He of course has never left my side, but sometimes my heart and mind get cloudy. Even on the cloudiest of days, the Son remains and I keep seeking Him.

I’m not sure exactly when or how it started, but somewhere along the way my confidence got chipped away, eroding joy and peace. After battling the flu, listening to the woes of my teen kids, dealing with the stress of a rental house in escrow, disappointing people, and being yelled at by a member of a class I lead as a volunteer, along with countless wife, Mom and church responsibilities…I felt tapped out and needy. Yuck, I hate that feeling.

Even devotional times in the morning weren’t having the same impact that they normally would. It just fell flat, leaving me searching for something to grab me out of the pit I was sitting in. Hopelessness hovers when loneliness loiters near the heart. Feelings of “no one understands”, “no one really cares” and “I’m not making a difference anyway” kept lapping at the shore of my heart, washing away my peace. Ever felt that way? Negative feelings can pop up like weeds…they easily get out of control.😉

After a lengthy conversation with my husband, in which I tried to make him make me feel better, (you can imagine how that turned out😆) God’s spirit gently reminded me, He alone is the source of my joy. Clinging to other people inevitably weighs them down, for only God can fill the pits of pain in our hearts, as He lifts us from them. People can support and encourage, but they can’t heal and restore.

In my mopey state of self pity, God whispered my worth. I am His. He sees me, understands, and loves my emotionally foggy heart. The Son peaked through my grey attitude and my mood began to lift. It’s always in my greatest weakness, that I find Him.

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” 2 Cor.12:9-11

Oh yes. Grace. The free gift that keeps on giving. It can’t be earned, only received. What is beautiful about His grace is that it saves AND empowers us. When we feel stuck in the pits of despair, weary, wounded, and unable to see the Son, He empowers us to climb out even before we can see clearly. Its not about our strength, but His. He is as present in our wounds as He is in our wins. Awareness of our limitations is a welcome reminder of His limitless power.

At the moment that we invite Jesus into our lives, we attach ourselves to Him, becoming rooted and built up in faith. Our strength grows, allowing us not only to overcome obstacles, but to overflow with thankfulness….even in our obstacles.

So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.” ‭‭Colossians‬ ‭2:6-7‬ ‭

Are you seeking Him but having trouble seeing Him? Keep seeking. The Son is there. If you seek Him you will find Him. Don’t give up. Keep looking up. Approach Him in weakness so He can demonstrate His power. Stay rooted. Let Him build you up and over flow with thankfulness. Each day holds thousands of reasons to thank Him. Start with one. Thankful thinking swells, clearing the clouds of doubt and discouragement. Thank you Jesus.🙌❤️

Prayer: Jesus, we thank you for Your limitless power, displayed upon the cross as you overcame the grave. Your display of perfect love is a gift we can open daily. Thank you that you give it freely. May we receive all that you have planned for us. When our hearts and minds get clouded by worry, loneliness, anger, fear, regret, pain and feelings of hopelessness, peak through the clouds and warm us with Your presence. May we be rooted and built up in You. Strengthen our faith and help us overflow in thankfulness. Great are You Lord…our healer, comforter and friend.🙌 In Jesus name, Amen

What Many Say

My two youngest teens came home from their schools asking the exact same question. “Why do people say such mean things to me?” It hurts my Mama bear heart to hear the cruelty spoken to two of my dearest people. The phrase “kids can be cruel” is true, but then again, so can adults. Some people never mature out of meanness.

What was most challenging for my kids is that the mean words came from more than one source. It seems they were verbally bruised by multiple people last week for absolutely no reason. If you know my kids, you know they are awesome, kind, helpful, never say a mean word about anyone, kind of kids….and yes I’m biased.😉

I wanted to console them and tell them it will get better. The mean kids are just insecure and probably have challenges at home. But I stopped myself. While that may be true, the reality is, cruel people are a part of life. Learning to navigate harsh, critical, mean spirited people, is part of the refining process of becoming more like Jesus.

David cries out to God in Psalm 3 saying, “Lord, how many are my foes! How many rise up against me! Many are saying of me, “God will not deliver him.” But you, Lord, are a shield around me, my glory, the One who lifts my head high.”

David was being attacked by as many as 10,000 soldiers, one of whom was his very own son. They weren’t just saying mean things. They wanted him dead! Yikes, talk about a bad day.

The phrase, “Many are saying”, caught my attention. When many say something about someone, it doesn’t make it true….whether it’s good or bad. Popular opinion means nothing. Hear me on this…NOTHING. Man looks at the outward appearance, but God looks at the heart. Only God sees what is on the inside.  The good, the bad and the ugly.

Don’t worry about what many say. Fear God, not people. If God is pleased with us, we’ve got nothing to worry about. The opposite is true as well. If many think we are amazing, but God sees nothing but a heart of stone, calloused by selfish living, greed, envy, lust, addiction, pride, etc….be afraid. Very afraid.

God was David’s shield. His protector. He’s your shield and protector too. He bestows glory on you and lifts your defeated head high. You are His. Come to Him if you are weary of the many. They are just people. He is God and He loves you. Don’t focus on what many say.  Only One matters. Jesus.

Prayer: Lord God thank you for being our protector, comforter and restorer. You never leave us, even when we are at our worst. Thank you for your faithfulness. When “many” say we aren’t worthy, you say we are priceless. We are fearfully and wonderfully made in Your image. Help us be confident in You alone, demonstrating humility because we realize apart from You, we can do nothing. Be our shield. Bestow Your glory upon us and lift our weary heads. We need You. We love You. We are Yours. In Jesus name, Amen

Glorify Your Name

Don’t wish it away. Pain, suffering, sickness, longing, loneliness and betrayal. Pain makes you want to DO something. Anything! Just make it go away. No one savors suffering. But what if God’s glory is demonstrated through it?

Jesus knew what was coming. The betrayal of friends, rejection, mocking, slander, loneliness, agony and suffering upon a cross. He would bare the weight of sin for all mankind. He could have wished it away or merely snapped His fingers and changed the ending of His story. Instead, propelled by love, He pursued glory.

How my heart is troubled, and what shall I say? ‘Father, save me from this hour’? No, it was for this very reason I came to this hour. Father, glorify Your name!”~John 12:27-28

Life brings burdens but God gets the glory every time we persevere, trusting His will above our own. All the worrying, fretting and fighting the pain, won’t change a thing. But surrender, that is something we can do. Surrender to the unknowns, knowing He’s got You. If He is for you who and what can be against you?

I’m learning to say, “Glorify Your Name!” When people offend me, glorify Your name! When I’m in pain and I get a scary report from the doctor, glorify Your name! When I feel lonely, misunderstood and I don’t fit in, glorify Your name! When friends wound my heart, glorify Your name! When I don’t know what to say or do and doubt permeates my thoughts, glorify Your name! When I’m afraid, and the future looks uncertain, glorify Your name! When the waiting is agonizing and relief is nowhere in sight, glorify Your name! When I experience sudden loss, glorify Your name! When I just can’t do it any longer, You can, so glorify Your name! When all is said and done, and my time on earth is through, I hope to have brought glory to His name. The name above all names, Jesus Christ.🙌🙌🙌

Prayer: Lord, To say thank you for the cross seems inadequate. The suffering You endured on our behalf is painful to think about and yet it reminds us of Your great love for us. Thank you that even while we were still sinners, You died for us, paving the way to our freedom forevermore. May we be found in You. When life gets hard, people get mean, and we feel a sense of hopelessness, help us to say, ‘Glorify Your Name’. Be glorified in our perseverance. May we glorify You above all else in our lives. You are worthy! In Jesus name, Amen

Thankful to Praise

I’m pretty sure I held my breath while the doctor examined my daughters eyes yesterday. It was a long 20 minutes. 😉After the specialist informed us the lesions looked like scars, were “inactive”, and said we should just follow up annually, we said our polite goodbyes and quickly made our way to the exit. Upon exiting I inhaled deeply and began exhaling tears. Very embarrassing and kind of surprising. I bolted for the restroom and kind of lost it. They were thankful tears. I thanked God for Meghan’s sight, for good news and for getting us through a challenging week of waiting and wondering. The thankfulness swelled.

There I stood in the bathroom stall crying out my thanks to God. Thank you God for being with us in the waiting. Thank you that I was able to hold it together and be strong for Meghan. Thank you that her vision isn’t impaired beyond corrective lenses. Thank you for sight. Thank you for our kids. Thank you for Your presence. Thank you for Your love. Thank you for this life. Thank you for the breath we breathe. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

My praise became an avalanche of thanks to God….in the bathroom…at Kaiser.🙌 I left feeling humbled and moved by God’s presence. Thankfulness does that. It pivots hearts to praise, minds to peace, and spirits to joy. I’m so thankful I didn’t miss the opportunity to praise Him.

So often we pray for help, healing and strength. He extends His gracious hand of healing and mercy, and we just move on to the next request. But we quench the Spirit when we do this. It’s God’s will for us to thank Him. Thankfulness opens the door for God’s spirit to move in our hearts and minds. It’s the beginning of worship.

Give Him thanks today. Right where you are. Don’t hold back. Find something, anything, to praise Him for. Maybe you are still in the waiting and wondering phase, pray continually and give thanks. Perhaps you are frustrated, annoyed, bitter and angry…start thanking Jesus. Thankfulness chisels away negativity, allowing us to see more clearly and behave in ways that reflect our identity in Christ. Rejoice in what He’s already done and thank Him. Thanks will swell to praise. Let the praises ring!

Prayer:  Father God, there is so much to thank You for. Every breath we take is a gift from You. Thank You for being a generous God who loves to give good gifts to Your kids. Today, we want to delight in You. To sit in Your presence and revel in Your love. May we allow the Holy Spirit to move in our hearts and minds as we praise You. Help us to remain in Your love today, absorbing Your grace and extending it to people in our lives. We love You. In Jesus name, Amen

Starve the Beast

This week was not what I expected. A routine vision appointment went sideways for one of my kids. Now specialists will get involved. Something happens to my insides when I feel my kids are in any way hurting, threatened or in danger. If you’re a parent, you get this. Faith can get sidelined when anxiety runs amuck. The internet doesn’t help! FYI, do not google symptoms…it feeds the anxiety like a ravenous beast.

But then this….”Know that the Lord is God. It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.”

God is God. He formed us and we are His sheep. That knowledge brings comfort, wrapping my soul in the coziest blanket.

He made my daughter. She is His. I’ve always known that. Being told by doctors I would likely never have children, my kids are a constant reminder of God’s goodness, faithfulness and real-ness. I can surrender them to Him because they are His. I’m just the privileged one that gets to be their Mom….and I’m so thankful.

So, once again, I’m reminded, joy is a choice, and that’s what I’m choosing today. Last night is done and His mercies are new to me and you this morning. God’s taking care of what is out of our control, so enjoy the safety of His pasture.

How’s your anxiety today? Starve the beast. It will only rob you of the joy God has for you today. He is God. He made you. You are His, a sheep in His pasture. Wrap yourself up in that truth and have a joy-filled day. ❤️🙌

Prayer: Lord, you are good and your mercies endure forever. Thank you for your word which comforts, instructs and guides. Mostly, thank you for loving us like you do. There is none like You. Bring your peace to those that are struggling with the beast of anxiety today. Wrap them in Your comforting presence and infuse them with your joy. In the loving name of Jesus, Amen

If She Knew

Jesus answered her, “If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water.” ~John‬ ‭4:10‬ ‭

She didn’t know. She couldn’t see. Blinded by her choices and shame. She sat before a man, God and King. Crossing the cultural divide, He approached the Samaritan with love in His eyes. Not the “love” she had known, but a kind that would quench her longing, searching, the ache within. He offered life, redemption and grace. He had to go to her, though out of His way.  Compelled by mercy, He came to save. He saw within her deep caverns of pain. Hiding behind walls, rejected, ashamed. Living water flooded her tired, weary soul. Extinguishing the lies, gossip, ridicule she had known. It was all true. She knew. Yet He saw more and knew better. Beauty among the ashes. A glorious finish. She was not who they saw nor what they said. She was His! Daughter of the King, an heir, royalty. Her deeds erased, He saw straight to her heart and now held the key. Her pain would serve His purposes, plans and way. Made new, she hurried to tell of her new found Friend….once she knew.

If you knew. If only you knew. If you could discern His still, quiet voice. If you knew He has a plan and purpose in the pain, even when the unexpected,  sudden loss, and ache of loneliness remain. If you knew He would never, no, NEVER, leave you, no matter how far you stray, or how blemished your way. If you knew the depth, width, height and length of His love. How much He suffered, how brutally, how savage His death. Each lash to His broken, bruised, bleeding body taken in your place. He loved you that much, even then. If you knew the power at His fingertips, that He would rise from death after three days, defeating its sting once and for all….how glorious…if you knew. If you knew the comfort of the Holy Spirit given to open hearts. The companion that guides, protects, instructs, prompts, and never departs. If you knew this life is not the end for He is preparing a place for you beyond your comprehension. If you knew, would you hide or withhold it out of embarrassment, business or indifference? Could you? If you knew the difference He makes between life and death, all eternity in His hands or one apart from Him spent. If only you knew. Do you know? If you know, share Him. He isn’t just for you. The work He does in you is so others might know too. Your life is telling a story. What are the pages saying? Do they reflect His truth, His love, His glory?

Let the pages of my life be filled with love, pointing to my Friend above, because I know.  I know His whispers. I’ve felt His grace, poured out upon my tear stained face. When rejected, alone, accused. He never left, no, He refused. He battled for my heart and mind, not just for me, but for you. I know His goodness, mercy and love. I’ve tasted and seen what freedom does. It’s offered to all that know and accept the love of a Father and the One He sent. I am free. Free indeed. No going back, to Him proceed. A life of praise to Him above, Him within, the One I love. I’m not the same, my heart’s been claimed, for God’s glory and in His name. Forevermore, because I know.

Plug In

It was a loose ethernet cable. The internet associate had me check all of our cables connected to the modem last week. For some reason our connection was stalling out on us. Sure enough, the yellow cable was slightly detached, still connected, but not fully. The slight break in connectivity caused all kinds of trouble for streaming our shows and mindless web surfing….catastrophic in a home full of teens. (Who am I kidding? I was the most frustrated!😉)

A simple click of the cable and we were up and running once again. Fully connected and fully powered.

One little cable disconnection caused every device in our home to lose power to do what they are meant to do. Even the slightest break in contact alters function…..and it’s like that with us and Jesus. It only takes a little disconnect to lose power, perspective and purpose.

Paul’s words to the church of Colosse ring true, “For in Christ all the fullness of Deity lives in bodily form, and you have been given fullness in Christ, who is the head over every power and authority.” ~Col.2:9-10

Everything we need to empower us through life is found in Jesus. We need only stay connected. But that connection is so easily broken, not by Him of course. He is the steady power supply. He’s unchanging and always available, but we must fully plug in. So often we plug into other things, people, and activities, only to be disappointed, hurt and burnt out. Seeking power and comfort from anything or anyone other than God will definitely lead to glitchy connections.

There is only One that can empower us for the impossible. You know, those things that we can’t do apart from Him….like love the unloveable, respond with grace when we are offended, be flooded with peace when we get bad news, find joy through the unexpected trial, praise God rather than fret over financial loss, be still and know He is God when we are accused, confused, and alone.

Unless we are securely fastened to Him, we will stall out like my internet connection. Our human nature will get mixed up with our new nature in Him and we become short circuited by life. Feelings override the Spirit when this happens. Things get messy and stress-y. 😬

It’s the most wonderful time of the year…so the song says. But this most wonderful time can feel more wonky than wonderful. In the hustle and bustle we can easily get unplugged from our power source, our Savior. I feel the pull, the tug toward the busy, the lesser things, the presents, decorations, cookie baking, cleaning, impressing and dressing, shows and gatherings, all the frills, followed by bills. It’s exciting and can give us all the feels, but when “holidays” are behind us, can leave us feeling tired and empty. It’s all pretty meaningless when we aren’t fully plugged in to our power supply, the head over all, Jesus.

So, this morning, I stopped and checked my connection, making sure I’m clicked in to His presence. Fully aligned with His plans and purposes, engaging His peace and surrendering things that I’m not meant to control. There is joy here in the quiet. It’s lasting and will outshine the holiday lights.

I hope you will plug in to Him today…and everyday.  Pause, pray, peruse His word.  Be prepared for each day by being powered by the perfect One.  

Are you feeling tired, weary, overwhelmed, in a frenzy of holiday hoopla? He’s beckoning, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Matt. 11:28). Or maybe you’re just slightly disconnected, tapping in to the “fun” and entertainment offered at this season, while leaving no time to commune with your Savior. Jesus reminds us,”I have come that you may have life, and have it to the full.” (John 10:10) Want to experience that “full” life? Check your connection. Fullness is in a Him alone.  He will empower you for this season and beyond. Merry Christ-mas! ❤️💚❤️

Prayer: Father God, everything we need is in You. Apart from you we can do nothing, but through You will can do all things. May we stay connected to You through this season of celebrating Jesus birth. Illuminate any areas of our lives that there is a disconnect from your plans and purposes. We want to burn brightly for You. Empower us to let go of those things that are stalling out are connection to You. Thank you for the gift of Your Son. Emmanuel, God with us. We are eternally grateful. In Jesus name, Amen

Most Excellent

“I strive for excellence.” It’s a statement I made at an interview a couple weeks ago. The interview didn’t go exactly how I’d hoped it would, but not to bad for a first interview after being a homemaker for the past 15 years. Getting back in the saddle after such a long hiatus from the “workforce” is a challenge, to say the least. Little do they know, this whole mothering thing and maintaining a household is fantastic job experience….there’s nothing us Moms can’t do! We strategize, organize, sympathize, analyze, scrutinize, empathize, rationalize, taxi-ize, listen-ize, encourage-ize…you get the point. Is there anything we can’t or don’t do?😉 All of my skills have been finely tuned by this amazing job called parenting, but this isn’t a blog about Mom’s going back to work.😂

Excellence. It is defined as the quality of being outstanding or extremely good. I strive for it as a wife, Mom, daughter, friend, homemaker, employee, volunteer, Christian…but it’s always out of reach. The barometer for goodness changes depending upon the situation and people involved. It’s situational and personal. What I think is good and outstanding, may be mediocre and average to you. Then there’s God’s viewpoint of excellence. None of us can reach that bar except Jesus.

Holding ourselves to impossible standards is frustrating. The truth is I’m not extremely good by nature and neither are you. That’s ok. God isn’t interested in us working towards excellence, as much as He is our thinking towards excellence.

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.”~Philippians‬ ‭4:8‬ ‭

Our actions and attitudes will flow from our thoughts and so our thoughts must be marinated in excellence.

My mind doesn’t sit still. It’s even more active than my swinging feet. (My legs never stop moving…They are always moving, kicking, dancing and tapping.) Like an erratic squirrel, my brain switches gears rapidly, with frantic pace. It’s not uncommon for me to be leading a fitness class and at the same time contemplating a relational problem I’m having with someone…or making a mental grocery list. It’s a good thing my body goes on autopilot when music is playing. I can let my thoughts drift, and drift they do with rip current force. I’ve found the pull toward the negative is far stronger than that which is true, noble, right, pure, lovely and admirable. It seems negativity has greater momentum than positivity. Why is that? It’s much more pleasant to think about good things than bad, yet my mind is prone to wander….Lord I feel it. Like Paul, “I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do.” (Romans 7:15)

When I allow my mind to drift to negative places, it effects my mood, actions, attitudes towards others, and productivity. Critical self talk is the worst. No one can be as hard on me as I am. My desire for excellence quickly evolves to perfectionism, and inevitably descends to shame and/or condemnation. Nothing good comes from stinking thinking. So, we must “take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” (2Cor.10:5)

Taking our thoughts captive can feel like a lost cause. It seems about as possible as hearding cats, but with God all things are possible…except maybe hearding cats.😹

Negativity breeds quickly, spinning webs of worry, weakness and wreaks havoc on self esteem. But I’m learning how to have better offense strategies to fight these pesky thoughts.

We can’t keep thoughts from occurring but we don’t have to let them get comfortable. No loitering allowed! When a negative squirrel races across my mind, I pray. Prayer can fumigate against other unwanted visitors. Pray against the negative and ask God to help you welcome what is excellent. Let what is good settle into the corners of your mind.

Read and reflect on God’s word. Replace the negative chatter with God’s life giving words. Memorize scripture and let it soak into your heart. Psalm 119:11 says. “I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.” His words are the best offense and defense against negativity.

Get moving! Often it takes a brisk walk, a little dancing, or even cleaning up around the house to re-set my thinking. I’m not a neuroscientist, but I know movement changes stuff in our brain…good stuff. When my thoughts turn toward the negative, I move! Sitting in a stew of negative thoughts makes for a bad day. When negativity starts to wheedle it’s way in to your heart and mind, get up and move!

Talk it out. Sometimes we need to confess our sins one to another. It’s biblical and helpful! There’s accountability in speaking what we are wrestling with. It helps to have trusted friends shoulder some of our burdens, and vice versa. As Galatians 6:2 says, “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” I’ve found such relief in sharing the load of my worries and pain with trusted friends. Just speaking the words out loud that keep ricocheting across my mind helps them to cease. It’s as if they lose their power and I start to regain Godly perspective once again…what is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable. Suddenly what is excellent becomes crystal clear once again. So, phone a friend, text, or meet for coffee. Do what you have to do to extinguish the drone of negativity so that you can think upon what is most excellent. (This is NOT a license to gossip. This is about your weakness, not everyone else’s.)

What is the atmosphere of your mind like today? Is it filled up with negativity, bitterness and criticalness? Or is infused with peace, joy, love, admiration….excellence? Your attitude and actions are reflecting the content of your mind. May the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts be pleasing to Him.

Prayer: Father God, You alone are praiseworthy. You define excellence and Jesus demonstrated it while He walked this earth. Thank you that your love for us isn’t dependent upon our goodness, but rather your grace. Help us to walk and talk in Your joy, peace, patience, kindness and love. Lord, extinguish negative chatter that creeps it’s way into our minds and travels to our hearts, dimming our light to others. Purify us from the inside out so we can reflect Your beauty. Let only what is excellent and praiseworthy fill our minds and conversations. In the powerful name of Jesus, amen.

Who’s Your Daddy?

But I’m doing this for You God.” This thought has been recirculating in my brain over the past couple weeks. It’s basically me trying to reason with God. I lead a fitness class at church with a friend of mine. It’s a free outreach to the community. Fitness has been a passion of mine since I was a teen and to motivate women in this way, makes my heart sing. Unfortunately, I have an injury, which reoccurs with intense workouts. It’s a constant battle, my calling verses my injury. Why would God allow both in my life…the purpose and the pain?

Why isn’t He healing me? Especially since my heart desires to see people not only get physically fit, but discover spiritual fitness, which is found in Jesus. I’ve gone round and round with God on this one, as I’ve had to lay down this ministry before, when my neck injury flares.

Yesterday, as the snarky thought popped in my head….”but God, I’m doing it for You”….conviction followed. As I envisioned Jesus going to the cross, I heard Him say, “I did this for you.” He came to live among us, a perfect God, in humble human form, so He could live a perfect life, sacrificing everything, only to die a criminals death. Everything He did was for you and me, yet none of it was done without pain, loss and trials. He can empathize with our pain filled purpose….that was His life’s story.

John 16:33 says, “I (Jesus) have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

In this life, whether we follow Him or not, we will have trouble. Period. Following Him requires finding His purposes in our pain, knowing that “in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28)

What do we do when trials don’t cease? When pain seemingly presses pause on our purpose? Remember who our Daddy is and follow His example.

Follow God’s example, therefore, as dearly loved children and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.” (Ephesians 5:1)

Understanding His love for us is key. As children look to their parents for love, comfort and affirmation that everything is going to be ok….we can look to Jesus. God loves us as His kids and when we approach Him as such, He picks us up, holds us and assures us of our future. He is present in the pain and He can empathize. As a result, peace can be found in the most painful of circumstances. His love remains constant in our peace and pain.

When you don’t get the healing you long for…He still loves you.
When relationships aren’t restored…He still loves you.
When you don’t get the job or promotion…He still loves you.
When you feel alienated and left out….He still loves you.
When you make mistakes and lose your way….He still loves you.
When you lose a loved one….He still loves you.
When you are wrongfully accused, rejected and denied…He still loves you.
When you are trying your best or not trying at all…He still loves you.
When you are broken hearted, fearful and feeling all alone…

God loves you dearly. You are His child. He doesn’t need you to do anything…just be. He is far more interested in your being than your doing. It is in being His dearly loved children that His love is made visible. Your doing will change based upon your season of life, but your being doesn’t change. You are His and you are loved.

Trials are not vacant of His love, rather they are a conduit. His love flows through our loss, pain and trials.

Follow His example. Walk in love, as defined in 1 Corinthians 13. Then, “Let it go…” (I always imagine Elsa singing when I say this😉). Release whatever you are holding onto. The pain, frustrations, disappointments, anxiety, and fear….hand it over. He lovingly receives it in exchange for His peace. Every time we demonstrate faith through letting go, it’s a fragrant offering to Jesus. Yeah, it may seem stinky to us, but God turns that stink into something beautiful and fragrant for His glory…and our good.

What is He asking you to surrender this week? Whatever it is, He still loves you dearly. Keep following your Daddy. Take heart! Our troubles aren’t the end of the world….He’s already overcome it!

Prayer: Lord, our understanding is limited. We often don’t understand why we must go through the trials and challenges we face, but we know You love us as dearly loved children and that is enough. Help us walk in that truth and surrender anything that is required of us to follow more closely in Your footsteps. As we encounter your great love for us, may we extend it to those You place in our lives. Let the trial become a conduit, filling us, so that love flows freely. May we walk and talk in Your love. In Jesus name, Amen

Yell Louder

Rebuked by people. Healed by God. That’s the story of the two blind men in Matthew 20, that called after Jesus as He passed by.

“Two blind men were sitting by the roadside, and when they heard that Jesus was going by, they shouted, “Lord, Son of David, have mercy on us!”~Matthew‬ ‭20:30‬ ‭

They knew their need, to have their sight restored, yet they had greater vision than some of the “religious people” around them. Though they lacked physical sight, within them arose enough faith to seek after the sight giver, Jesus. Even before their eyes could see, their ears heard and their hearts believed that this man, teacher, God, miracle maker….He could heal. So they pleaded, to the embarrassment and disapproval of the crowd, and their sight was restored.

Thankfully, they didn’t listen to the negative chatter circling them or they might have missed out on the miracle moment. Negative voices ring loudly in our ears, blocking the still, quiet voice of Jesus. When that happens, we get to choose. Keep moving forward by faith, even while being ridiculed, or cave to criticism, missing out on the miracle. Choose faith!

There is a miracle waiting on the other side of the negative, fault finding, accusing, superiority driven, prideful chatter. Don’t quit on Jesus when people reveal their own brokenness. Those that rebuked the blind men were just exposing their spiritual blindness.

What did the blind men do when the crowd tried to hush their passioned pleas to Jesus? “They shouted all the louder….”~Matthew 20:31. Nothing and no one could keep them from Jesus and in return, “Jesus had compassion on them and touched their eyes. Immediately they received their sight and followed him.”~ Matthew‬ ‭20:34‬ ‭

Yell louder, friends. Louder than the criticism. Louder than the gossip. Louder than the disapproval, condemnation, expectation, rejection, and misrepresentation of others. Cry out to Jesus loudly, boldly, with abandon, and receive His mercy.

People are just people. We are ALL broken, in need of saving.  When we forget this reality, we get hurt, disillusioned and stunted in our pursuit of Jesus.

There is only one Savior and we must pursue Him at all cost. Make Him the focal point so that you will have eyes to see and ears to hear all that He has planned for you. Do as the blind men did when their sight was restored. Receive healing and follow Him. He has inexhaustible mercy and compassion for each of us. He doesn’t expect perfection.  He desires you in all of your imperfection.  Look to Him to fill those hurt, wounded, broken places. He restores, accepts, elevates, and reconciles. We can do ALL things through Him. ☝️🙌🙏

Prayer: Lord we declare loudly, “we need You!”  Restore the broken that is in each of us.  Thank you Jesus for the strength and healing that You generously lavish upon us.  We receive it.   Help us pursue You and seek You with all of our hearts. Protect us from the negative words of others or even our own thoughts, that might distract us, keeping us from the healing and restoration that is in You alone. Lord, may Your voice be louder than any other voice in our lives and may our lives declare how good You are. In the compassionate and powerful name of Jesus, Amen